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Beat the Internal Heat: Managing Hot Flashes in Summer Months

Managing hot flashes in the summer can be challenging, but a holistic approach can help alleviate discomfort. By incorporating these strategies, you can better manage hot flashes and enjoy the summer months with greater comfort. Here are some tips:

Lifestyle modifications to stay cool: Use fans and air conditioning, when possible. Wear light, breathable clothing made of natural fibers, like cotton. Keep cold packs or wet washcloths in the fridge to use during a hot flash. Take cool showers or baths. For sound sleep, use cooling pillows or mattress toppers.

Stay well-hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Avoid caffeine and alcohol as they can trigger hot flashes.

Maintain a healthy diet: Eat smaller, more frequent meals to avoid overheating. Incorporate phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) like flaxseeds, soy, and whole grains into your day as sides or as part of main dish or salad.

Keep moving: Engage in moderate exercise, but avoid overheating. Consider swimming or water exercise for a cooler workout option.

Explore natural remedies: Herbal supplements such as black cohosh, red clover, and evening primrose oil are commonly used to manage symptoms. We recommend consulting with your healthcare provider before starting any new supplement as some may not be appropriate for you.

Essential oils: Peppermint and lavender oils can have a cooling effect when applied to the skin or diffused. Experiment with cooling sprays or body mists containing these oils.

Acupuncture: Some studies suggest acupuncture can help reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes. Our team includes an acupuncturist and a physical therapist who uses dry needling.

Use mind-body practices: Yoga, tai chi, and meditation can help reduce stress and manage symptoms.

Avoid triggers: Identify and avoid specific hot flash triggers, such as spicy foods, hot drinks, or stress.

Find social support: Connect with friends and family experiencing similar life transitions. Join support groups or online forums to share experiences and tips.

Seek professional support: Use our team for support as a starting point. We will help you seek additional resources, such as therapy, as needed. Notable, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is increasingly recognized as a useful tool in self-management.

Premier Women’s Health of MN offers many resources for women navigating through this natural life change. Our team includes North American Menopause Societycertified physicians, and such services as nutrition and weight management consults, acupuncture and dry needling.