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Who Needs An Annual Exam? You.

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What are the benefits of an annual exam or checkup with your GYN health care provider? We can think of lots of reasons but read on to find one or two that resonate with you.

1. Peace of Mind: Knowing that you are regularly monitoring your health and addressing any concerns with us offers you peace of mind. Our team encourages you to take a proactive approach to your self-care.

2. Preventive Care: Annual exams give us the chance to detect potential health issues early. For you, this means preventive measures and interventions can be put in place before concerns become more serious.

3. Health Monitoring: Your annual exam helps you and us to monitor your overall health and track changes over time. This includes changes in biomarkers, such as your period cycles, blood pressure and heart rate, and assessing various health indicators unique to women.

4. Screening for Diseases: Your annual exams include screenings for common health issues, such as GYN-related infections, certain cancers and sexually transmitted diseases. Early detection of these conditions can lead to more effective treatment and improved outcomes. Happy you. J

5. Vaccinations and Immunizations: Our team uses annual exams to ensure that you are up-to-date on vaccinations and immunizations, helping to protect against preventable diseases and illnesses.

6. Medication Management: If you are taking medications such as birth control or hormones, your annual exam provides an opportunity for us to check in and see how they are working for you, and to review and adjust prescriptions as needed.

7. Talk About Lifestyle Factors: There are lots of lifestyle factors that impact your good health. Because we’re women’s health advocates, your annual exam includes sharing information with you about the latest and greatest in nutrition, sleep, mental wellness and more. We’re happy to answer your questions.

8. Mental Health Check-in: Annual exams may include discussions about your mental health and well-being. Our team offers support, and is a resource for you should you want or need follow up with a mental health professional.

9. Building a Relationship with Our Team: Regular visits allow you to develop and maintain a relationship with one or more of our team. This relationship helps to facilitate better communication, trust, and personalized healthcare recommendations. We love getting to know our patients over time and enjoy catching up every year.

We can’t end this blog without addressing a potentially confusing topic. What about a pap smear? Let us set the record straight with the latest recommendations from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). As always, use us as a resource for any and all questions.

Age 21 to 29: It’s recommended you have a Pap smear every three years. HPV (human papillomavirus) testing is not routinely recommended unless you have an abnormal Pap result.

Age 30 to 65: For people aged 30 to 65, ACOG recommends one of the following options:

  • Pap smear alone every three years
  • HPV testing alone every five years
  • Co-testing (Pap smear and HPV testing together) every five years.

Age 65 and Older: Generally, if you have had regular screenings with normal results and do not have a history of cervical pre-cancer in the last 20 years, you may be able to stop cervical cancer screening. Our team will discuss this with you.

Check-in with us soon for your annual.