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Fertility: Preparing for Your Doctor Visit

Doctor writing notes on clipboard

There are things you can do to help prepare for your fertility visit and speed up the initial workup.

Begin Taking a Prenatal Vitamin

it is important to begin a prenatal vitamin a few months before you become pregnant. Also bring a list of medications and vitamins you take daily.

Track Your Cycle

The first day of your period is the 1st day of your cycle. Count from day 1 to day 1 of the next cycle. This will tell us how long your periods are. Additionally, if you do this for a few months we can determine if you have regular monthly periods which helps determine if you are ovulating.

Ovulation Predictor Kit

With this test you check your urine every morning. It also is a way to asses if you are ovulating.

If you are overweight or underweight this is a good time to try and improve your overall health. Weight can affect your chances of getting pregnant – so being at a healthy weight will optimize your chances of becoming pregnant. Additionally, quit smoking if you currently smoke and avoid alcohol and street drugs.

Consider if Preconception Carrier Screening is Right for You

This is testing that evaluates for conditions like cystic fibrosis, sickle cell disease, fragile X disease and spinal muscular atrophy. It may be worth talking to family members to see if any genetic conditions run in your family.