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6 Benefits of Having Strong Pelvic Floor Muscles

doctor holding plastic model of pelvic area

There are many benefits to strengthening your pelvic floor muscles. Here are six of the greatest benefits of building up your pelvic floor strength.

For your Sex life

While your vagina won’t actually be tightened through pelvic floor muscle training, the toning and strengthening of your muscles will not only boost your arousal but also increase the contractions felt during climax.

During Pregnancy

Having strong pelvic floor muscles for pregnancy and childbirth is important because they are what will support your child while they’re growing inside you. These muscles help your body cope with the weight of the baby and allow for a smoother delivery.

After your child has been born, the muscles need to regain their old form to avoid incontinence.

To Avoid Incontinence

One in three women leak at some point in their life. Incontinence is not an uncommon problem seen amongst women, yet it is not often talked about due to shame felt by anyone who has this issue.

This leakage can occur not only when you sneeze, cough, or laugh, but also in cases where you may or may not need to go to the bathroom but cannot seem to hold it. While many believe that this only occurs to people once they have hit a mature age, urinary incontinence can also affect younger people.

To Avoid Urinary Retention

As opposed to incontinence, urinary retention is when the bladder cannot fully empty its contents. You might have this issue if you find yourself going to the bathroom multiple times a day, feeling the need to urinate but then nothing comes out. One reason for urinary retention may be that weak pelvic floor muscles cause the bladder to sag or move out of position.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse 

Pelvic Organ Prolapse is the dropping of the pelvic organs caused by the loss of normal support of the vagina [or rectum]. This can cause lower back pain, bleeding, or discharge, as well as pressure in the vagina and pain during intercourse. By strengthening these muscles, you can alleviate some of the pain and symptoms that come with the prolapse.

For Better Bowel Control

As we mentioned earlier, the pelvic floor muscle group stretches from your pubic bone all the way to your anus. Therefore, by having that group of muscles strong, you can avoid any bowel incontinence and have control over your bowel movements.

Contact MetroPartners OBGYN

If pelvic floor pain becomes too much and inhibits you from enjoying a full life, give MetroPartners OBGYN a call and schedule an appointment today.