Research supports acupuncture as a treatment option for many women’s health concerns that include infertility, menopause, chronic pain and pregnancy. Oakdale ObGyn now offers acupuncture services with its partner, EastWest Acupuncture, who see people of any age at our Plymouth clinic.
According to EastWest Acupuncture, “Chinese Medicine has been used for thousands of years to support women’s health throughout all stages of life. When something in your body isn’t working well, it may show up as pain, illness, or stress. Our priority is to help women better understand their bodies and manage their overall health. Using Chinese Medicine methods, we partner with our patients to create a custom treatment plan”.
Our partner specializes in hormone imbalances, menstrual issues, fertility, IVF/IUI, pregnancy care, and menopause. Conditions they treat include irregular periods, painful periods, PMS, migraines, nausea during pregnancy, back pain, hot flashes, night sweats and vaginal dryness.
Your treatments may include acupuncture, herbal therapies, cupping, tuning forks, muscle work, acupressure, and other tools to help you get on the road to recovery.
To make an appointment, call 612-965-5227 or schedule online.