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6 Tips For Safe Exercise While Pregnant

Pregnant woman stretching on yoga mat

Exercise is extremely beneficial for both mother and developing baby, but you also want to be smart about how you approach exercise during your pregnancy.

Your obstetrician can provide you with some individualized advice for exercising and remaining active throughout your pregnancy, but we want to use today’s blog to share some general advice. Below, we share some tips for exercising safely while pregnant.

  1. Maintain Your Exercise Level – A general guideline that many obstetricians recommend is to try to maintain your same activity level even though you are now pregnant. This means that if you were exercising for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week prior to conceiving, try to continue exercising at or near this level, at least at the outset. Maintaining your level of fitness in the early stages of pregnancy can help you gain weight on an ideal trajectory, reduce your risk of gestational diabetes and make it easier for you to fall asleep and stay asleep.

  2. Slowly Increase Activity If Sedentary – If you weren’t all that active prior to becoming pregnant, now is a great time to become more active, but you’ll want to slowly increase your activity levels. Increasing your activity levels too quickly can be hard on your body during a time when it’s already going through some major changes. Instead of starting with a two-mile run, begin with a 5-10 minute walk or workout, and add five minutes to your exercise each week to slowly build up your endurance.

  3. Stay Hydrated – It’s important to stay hydrated when you’re exercising regardless if you are pregnant, but it’s especially important if you are pregnant. Staying hydrated helps ensure that you have healthy circulation, which is imperative for body function and for the development of your unborn child. Help your body get the nutrients it needs by drinking plenty of water and improving blood flow throughout your body.

  4. Learn What To Avoid – Certain exercises will be off limits during your pregnancy due to the stress or potential risk involved. Some exercises you’ll want to avoid include: Skiing, Ice Skating, Kickboxing/Judo, Gymnastics, Non-Stationary Cycling, Soccer, Hot yoga and workouts in extreme heat. Basically, any activities with a fall risk or risk of collision should be avoided, as should activities with jarring or jumping motions.

  5. Consider Water Workouts – Water-based exercises can be great because of water’s natural resistance properties. Simple movements in water can strengthen muscles, get your heart rate up and improve your joint health without exposing your joints to the stress of gravity. Swimming or a simple water workout can be great for your body and your baby.

  6. Constantly Check In With Your Doctor – Finally, it can be helpful to have a conversation with your obstetrician during each checkup about exercise and safe activities based on your current state. Exercise can lead to issues for patients with preeclampsia, placenta previa or those who are pregnant with multiples. You should always seek out individualized exercise advice, especially if you have any underlying health issues that could be exacerbated by exercise.

If you have questions about how you can exercise safely while pregnant, or to learn more about the health benefits of remaining active while pregnant, reach out to the care team at MetroPartners OBGYN today at (651) 770-3320.